Tirto ID


News & Magazines


tirto.id mengalir, jernih, mencerahkan

Founded in 2016, Tirto presents research-based reports and in-depth analysis. With staffs trained in diverse fields, from social sciences to statistics, from investigative journalism to creative writing, Tirtos brand of precision journalism offers original in-depth reporting, latest findings elaborated through the lenses of cutting edge research in Mild Report, current events in Hard News and daily dispatches of Current Issue, and the highly interactive Tirto Visual Report.Now you dont have to log in to read our articles from TirtoID apps.Some features such as previous articles and save articles can only be used if you log in through the settings menu.

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Fitur simpan tidak berjalan. Saya beberapa kali menyimpan berita yang menurut saya menarik. Tapi ketika masuk halaman yang berisi halaman yang di simpan ternyata kosong

Aloisius Christian

Berita sampah!

Aira Baim

Semoga para penulisnya selalu amanah, mulia, sejahtera dan barokah... aamiin ya Robb.

Djodi Kusuma

good experience. menyenangkan untuk dibaca dan mudah dipahami dgn celetukan2 khas Tirto. keep the good work 👍

kirana 48

The last upadate for the news have been taken place for at least 19 days ago (today is Dec 14th, 2021). Ada Apa Dengan Tirto?

dedy kristianto

Knapa di aplikasi saya masih berita 20 hari lalu?masih berita tentang persahabatan kuba dan indonesia! aplikasi sudah saya instal ulang tp tetap tidak bisa refresh ke berita baru


Udah setahun lebih ngga di update nih. Please fix the apps, bookmark doesn't work and sometimes fail to load the contents..

Waaaw One

So-so. Great content as usual but I need notifs coming from this app everyday because otherwise I wouldn't remember to stop by. My biggest source is NOTIF. Please make it, it has been two years I wrote this complaint.

Zahr P.

Beritanya bagus tapi apps nya kok tidak bisa menyimpan artikel ya? Padahal sudah keluar pesan "Artikel berhasil disimpan". Kadang-kadang juga keluar pesan "Can't find variable: type"

Tessi Tessa

Nggak sesuai fakta

Kuncoro Budi Santoso